Musings on Music

It was a Sunday morning, bright sunlight seeping in through the windows. It’s my habit to listen to songs while sipping on my filter coffee. As I was relishing its taste, the song I was listening to made my thoughts dwell on the fact as to how music has been interwoven into our lives right from when we were kids. In order to learn the alphabets, we were taught a tune which helped us memorize the same. Nursery rhymes made school more fun. Catching snippets of tunes from our favourite movies and trying to sing and dance along to the same made our childhood more memorable. As we grew up, we began to see and feel music in a different way – how it instigates various emotions within us. My curiosity lingered on music and psychology – how music is created, perceived, received and incorporated into our daily mundane lives.

When I was 14 years old, I had started going to music classes to learn the harmonium and violin. That was my first encounter with a musical instrument. The various raags and taals I learnt there made me think as to how beautiful the musical learning journey is. The journey which started with me being clueless, ended with me being connected with the instruments in a way that left me feeling the utmost satisfaction of getting a raag or a song right. I used to look forward eagerly every week to learn, and there was some homely feeling in figuring out how the instrument works together to produce a sound. Playing any instrument for that matter requires the utmost focus and dedication. These two attributes were sharpened in me, thanks to music. I used to look at my guru in awe as I watched him play the raags and taals with such ease. Behind every hand movement, smile, and the flick of his fingers was his love and passion for music. And while doing so, he was inspiring many others to take it up, and made them see the beauty and emotions it spreads among people. I know for sure that I’m going to continue my musical journey, staying connected with the instruments, as playing them subconsciously changed the way I perceive and saw music.

The Wikipedia defines music as the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition through the elements of melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre. It’s the combination of all these factors that either result in a beautiful song being released, or an artistic music piece being composed. It provides a connection among people. We see that connection in every moment, where we find people dancing to songs, singing along with our favourite artists, or holding lyrics close to our heart. Music and nostalgia are inseparable. Whether it’s an old tape, or a verse which hits you right in the heart, it has the ability to transport us right back in time. Some songs will always mean the world to us. As I’m writing this, memories of my best friend and me vibing along to songs of Ritviz cross my mind, bringing a smile to my face. I remember my mother having the same set of cassettes and CD’s of some of her favourite classics. She used to play them on loop on the tape recorder, leaving it on as she continued with her work. She still does. Watching her fondly sing along to those songs made me realise how music provides us with comfort – comfort which we can look for within ourselves. It’s a powerful force, which is why an entire generation who grew up listening to songs of their era, never hesitate to keep listening to them again, no matter what. You can never forget how a song made you feel. Feeling low? Feeling stressed? At a crossroad? Wanting to start a day afresh? Going through a break up? Feeling euphoric about something? Looking for inspiration? Travelling or going on a long drive? We listen to music. It’s amazing really, how one song can uplift our mood, change our perspective, or relax our mind. Such is its power to impact emotions.