The New Normal
Nobody knew that 2020 would be the start of a pandemic in the country- a pandemic which was something that has never been seen or experienced before. Businesses were shut down, workers were rendered jobless, the healthcare system has been working around the clock treating patients and consumption in the economy fell down drastically as people were forced to stay at home to be protected against the virus. Work from home became the new normal for many companies, with employees feeling more productive, but having to combat anxiety about post pandemic working arrangements at the same time. Online education took the lead as schools and colleges turned to Zoom and Teams to ensure that education is not deferred and disrupted, and learning continues at home. Many discussions and debates on the repercussions of online teaching led to the conclusion that students and teachers alike are spending an immaculate amount of time in front of screens, something which is inevitable in times like these, leaving them bushed at the end of that day. Communication dwindles due to various reasons ranging from network issues to the lack of access to devices. Many are yet to experience college on campus, while many graduated online. Such a transition from classroom to online, though arduous, has broken geographical barriers, as someone in Chennai gets to attend the same class as opposed to someone residing in Pune. Classroom teaching cannot be replaced by online platforms, but with time, we have in a way, gotten used to the same, trying to increase our comprehension with the best we have.
During this period, we’ve all spent time with our families which we never could have otherwise. What really amazed me was the ability of people to adapt and mould themselves accordingly. We looked at various alternatives to bring back normalcy to some extent. Those failed as well as successful attempts at trying out new cooking recipes and gratifying ourselves, following up a new trend on social media, celebrating birthdays through video calls, having to help out with domestic work, conducting college fests online, having watch parties with friends, enrolling in online internships and courses- we’ve done it all. Businesses started viewing the consumer segment with a remodelled perspective. Streaming platforms saw a rise in subscribers to curb boredom, while staying at home propelled online shopping notoriously. These turbulent times saw many people come forward- spreading plea messages and connecting those in need of help, volunteering in vaccination drives, inciting initiatives and spreading awareness about sanitation and wearing masks- doing something they can within their abilities to help the society battle the virus.
Being forced to stay at home for most of the course of time has subconsciously changed all of us. The year for me was surely different and enriching at the same time. If there’s one thing that I learnt out of the numerous lessons I got to experience first-hand, is that if you can’t control the situation around you, you can surely control how you react to it. It all comes down to choice- a choice which we make- to choose to either make the best out of anything, or choose to be languid about the same. I realised how cardinal it is to stay connected with people in these times, as thanks to technology, distance no longer can intercept connecting and communication, the true utility of which I’ve come to discern and appreciate now. The future is unpredictable, but it is with that uncertainty comes gratefulness and gratitude for everything we have currently in the moment. Throughout this period, we’ve all felt innumerable feelings- the longing to meet friends and family, the absence of having to go to work or school or college, the frustration of being stuck at home (which has become mundane after a while)- which were hard to experience and come out of. The pandemic has taught me to get through every day slowly but surely, to look at the past as a learning, and the present as a blessing. At the end of the day, one can believe that better days are yet to come, with gratitude, optimism and hope.