Harry Potter Books by J K Rowling

If thereā€™s any book series that I would read innumerable times, over and over, without a doubt, it would be Harry Potter. Whenever I listen to someone saying theyā€™ve also read the same, it sparks something inside me, that something which Iā€™ve come to associate as the feeling of nostalgia. I still remember the excitement and craze we had for every book of the series back in school- the happiness of completing one, and the anticipation, waiting to read the next one. It formed a major part of my childhood- was my most sought after way to escape reality- the muggle world as we call it. As Harry, Ron and Hermione boarded the Hogwarts express, we did too, in a parallel universe, hoping and wishing to receive a letter to Hogwarts. The books elevated our imagination levels to another dimension- having euphoric discussions with friends, watching those movies together, talking about and reminiscing our favourite characters, swishing imaginary wands, imagining ourselves in Gryffindor and playing Quidditch- something which made our memories as a kid more momentous. We were living, growing, laughing, allying and crying with the characters, bringing those readings to the muggle world. Somewhere along the series I realised that the books arenā€™t just about magic, but something more beautiful behind the world of fantasy.

We grew up along with Harry, Ron and Hermione, setting friendship goals, showing us what friendship means- to always have oneā€™s back. We realised the importance of having courage as Harry is ambushed with dangerous paths right from when he was a kid, choosing to fight the same, fighting for the greater good, with the power of bravery and love. Having lost both his parents, he was nurtured with love at Hogwarts, finding himself, and his family at a place which gave him a home. Somewhere along the line, words spoken by Dumbledore etched deep into our minds and hearts, and we truly saw the emotion of love in its raw and beautiful state, how it has the power to change everything. The excitement of watching the Triwizard Tournament unfold, the connection we felt when Draco says ā€˜Parenting isnā€™t hard Harry. Growing up isā€™, the feeling of triumph watching the Order fight the death eaters, the tears when Dumbledore dies, the anxiety when the three set out in search for the Horcruxes, the fear when Harry faces Voldemort alone, the heartbreak we felt upon hearing Snape say ā€˜After all this time? Alwaysā€™, the heartfelt thinking we did we get when Sirius says ā€˜Weā€™ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act uponā€™, the contentment on watching them see their kids board the Hogwarts Express 19 years later- I must confess, throughout the books and movies, I felt these emotions at a greater level. Upon reaching the end- something which I didnā€™t want to- Harry Potter taught me that weā€™re stronger together. Stronger with friends and family. Stronger with those we can count on. J K Rowlingā€™s storytelling will be etched into our minds for years to come, which is why an entire generation who grew up reading Harry Potter, are never too old, are never too young for the same. After all this time? Always.