Akshaya Patra Fund Raising Campaign

How simple it is to provide nutrition as well as education to the needy children!

My first memory of getting to know about the concept of a NGO was from my parents back when we were staying in Chennai. As my curiosity levels were at their peak being a kid, I had overheard my parents talking about how much they should donate on the occasion of my 5th Birthday. Out of all my birthdays I celebrated, it was that one birthday that was, and still is, clearly etched into my mind, constantly in replay. It was the first time I was in an Ashram run by A Christian Group. The children there sang for me, and as I went along with my mother, distributing chocolates, their sincere smiles and wishes made me smile with awe. My mother then, with the simplest language she could come up with so that a five year old kid could comprehend what she was trying to say, explained how they take in orphaned kids, and give them a home to live in. From that moment, I subconsciously remember my parents donating money to an NGO called Akshaya Patra.

Akshaya Patra is a non-government organisation founded in 2000. The NGO works towards executing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme of the government. The Scheme was introduced owing to the increasing number of children dropping out from Government Schools, due to poverty. Through the Mid-Day Meal, all those coming to school, would be entitled to a complete nutritious meal, which they were usually deprived of at their poverty stricken homes. Akshaya Patra today is the World’s largest non-profit organisation running the Mid-Day Meal Programme, serving wholesome food to over 1.8 million children from 19039 schools. From this wonderful initiative, the earlier profound problem of the lack of education to socially disadvantaged children is being combated. Their state of the art kitchens used for cooking meals, the environment friendly techniques initiated, as well as the way women empowerment is being encouraged by providing employment to various women across the country, made me start my own campaign at the NGO’s website.

‘Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime’. Education plays an important role for these children to become better individuals in life. It will give them a sense of identity and accomplishment when they will be able to fend themselves and break the vicious cycle of poverty. Please do spare a thought on lack of education and malnutrition among children in India. All it needs to feed a child at school with mid-day meal for 1 whole year is just INR 1100.

Please support through my fund raising campaign. Thank you and have a wonderful time.